22 April 2008

Party Party Party - That's PR (Or is it?)

When starting my PR degree I knew that eventually I would be unleashed into the PR world during my sandwich year. Aspirations of working in New York crossed my mind frequently.

Would I be living the ‘Ab Fab’ PR life of Edina Monsoon, with a bottomless bank account, strolling into work at 13:00 after a spot of lunch at Harvey Nicks? Or would I be more of the sexy girl in the city like Samantha, with an endless supply of hot models to pick and choose from? Both lived lavish lifestyles so surely this stereotype must be based on some truth? (Well, this was my theory).

The day came after a tiring ongoing search to finding a placement; my dreamy bubble about NY had been popped! I was bought down to reality by the parents (as one is at various occasions through life). “London is a much more logical place to spend your year”. My dad had a point, having to take a 6-7 hour flight; just to visit home did not seem alluring.

So here I am, 7 months into my placement, sitting on the train, performing my daily ritual of commuting to Soho from Surrey to my first ever full-time job in the big PR world. Yes, we may not party EVERY day like Samantha, and not start work after lunch like Edina, but let’s face it, it’s only the beginning.

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