30 April 2008

It’s not a rant, it’s constructive criticism

I came across this article as I was researching for my Uni assignment today. Mark Hodson provides those in PR with a few ‘useful’ tips on how to deal with journalists.

Here are a few of his suggestions:

1. If your email opens with the words “Hi there”, it’s junk.
Call me picky, but I prefer to receive ideas that aren’t being simultaneously touted to 200 other journalists. If you can’t be bothered to write me an individual email, then I can’t be bothered to read it.

3. Don’t resend an email, just to make sure.
And don’t phone to check if I got your email.

9. Learn to spell.
Most journalists are quite old-fashioned. We still value correct spelling, grammar and punctuation. Spell check only works up to a point. It won't tell you when to use "there", "their", or "they're".

Journalists aren’t picky they’re just pedantic!

To read all of Mark’s tips - http://www.markhodson.net/#/10tipsforprs/4523939581

29 April 2008

Clean Heels

So we have all been in a situation with stilettos meeting grass! Well no longer to we have to stand on tip toes throughout a garden wedding reception, just because we were too stubborn to buy appropriate footwear! Just use Heel Stoppers. They slip onto the end of your heel, and you will be safe from sinking, or ruining your favorite pair of shoes!

For when you return back into the marquee, you can buy this little bag to put them back in your handbag without getting the inside all muddy!

25 April 2008


I’m a massive fan of high heels, but they do kill after wearing them all day. Whilst browsing through videos on YouTube, I came across this clip by fitness expert Emily Splichal. Emily explains the impact of wearing heels on various parts of our body (Some are suprising). She offers some great handy hints on exercises that release the pressure built up from wearing heels for a long period of time.

23 April 2008

Ongoing Sterotypes...

I came across this cartoon in the Metro. Yes, the stereotype continues!

22 April 2008

Party Party Party - That's PR (Or is it?)

When starting my PR degree I knew that eventually I would be unleashed into the PR world during my sandwich year. Aspirations of working in New York crossed my mind frequently.

Would I be living the ‘Ab Fab’ PR life of Edina Monsoon, with a bottomless bank account, strolling into work at 13:00 after a spot of lunch at Harvey Nicks? Or would I be more of the sexy girl in the city like Samantha, with an endless supply of hot models to pick and choose from? Both lived lavish lifestyles so surely this stereotype must be based on some truth? (Well, this was my theory).

The day came after a tiring ongoing search to finding a placement; my dreamy bubble about NY had been popped! I was bought down to reality by the parents (as one is at various occasions through life). “London is a much more logical place to spend your year”. My dad had a point, having to take a 6-7 hour flight; just to visit home did not seem alluring.

So here I am, 7 months into my placement, sitting on the train, performing my daily ritual of commuting to Soho from Surrey to my first ever full-time job in the big PR world. Yes, we may not party EVERY day like Samantha, and not start work after lunch like Edina, but let’s face it, it’s only the beginning.

14 April 2008

The beginning….

Starting a blog has been on my to-do list for about three years now, and here we are, I finally got round to starting one! I want this blog to give other students a better understanding of PR, with a main focus to Telecoms and Fashion (though we all enjoy a bit of general chit-chat). A blog is such a highly engaging medium of communication and should be used a lot more by students.