24 July 2008

Women look for Text Appeal

Came across an interesting post about texting, and the effects it has on relationships.


Receiving a text is much less exciting then receiving a phone call; the delay, while you psych yourself up before you answer, with a million thoughts about what your going to say and how…...nothing beats that excitement (maybe horror to some).

A text can be interpreted in so many ways, what are the chances that what you’re thinking is the same as the sender? Let’s look at an example a simple text like:

“I’ll be there in a minute!”

To the sender this could simply be a statement; however to the receiver this could be interpreted in many ways. Why was it was so short? Why was there no kiss at the end? Why did they use an explanation mark? Are they angry at me for some reason?

So men, save us literately driving ourselves mad and splash out a bit and call. Thanks to blogger Helen Gough for bringing this topic up :)

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